Disclaimer: The comments in this blog are my personal opinion and may or may not reflect an adopted position of the city of Glendale and its city council.
On Friday, March 23, 2018 the City of Glendale called a press conference to announce that it would insure that there would be School Resource Officers at every high school in Glendale. This action was in response to the Parkland tragedy and in the wake of a Maryland SRO’s actions that stopped another school shooting after two students had been wounded. One subsequently died.
It was an action the City Manager and the City Council discussed for several weeks. All councilmembers, including Councilmember Aldama, had many opportunities to discuss the idea, ask questions, offer suggestions and voice their approval or disapproval of the idea. Councilmember Aldama asked one or two questions during the entire process and never voiced his lack of support to us, his peers, during these sessions.
At the City’s Friday’s press conference, the Glendale Police Chief made remarks as did the City Manager and the Mayor. Attending in support of the decision to place more SROs in high schools was State Superintendent of Education Diane Douglas as well as Superintendents of the school districts located in Glendale. The entire Glendale City Council was there except for one…Councilmember Aldama. He was AWOL.
Now we know why. Councilmember Aldama has said “No” to the City initiative to place SROs in every Glendale high school. I have placed his release to the media sent out today below. The photo is small so I have also placed the link as a pdf file, more easily read: Aldama letter Mar 26 2018
His language within his press release exhibits his bias, when he calls our unified council action “an impactful edict (bold mine)” He implies that this is a decree decided by one person in authority. Not so. This was a unanimous and carefully considered council decision with one silent voice…Aldama… who never expressed his disapproval to us during our deliberations.
Note this sentence because it is important. He says, “Other critical stakeholders, including Police and Fire Associations (read the unions) were TOLD of the adverse impact on their memberships, but not consulted with.” This is the real message. All the rest of his statement is a smoke screen. It is important to note that Aldama is up for reelection this year and he desperately needs the support in terms of money and manpower the unions provide to candidates. They are the ‘big dogs’ in Glendale. In plain English Aldama seems to have taken this stance in order to curry the favor and support of these two unions. They will reward him handsomely by pouring monetary donations into his campaign and walking neighborhoods for him. How politically transparent and crass can a person get?
He goes on to say, “Clearly this was an insensitive headline-grabbing political response to a larger problem than just having an officer in each high school…” I would contend that this city council exhibited extreme sensitivity to an immediate national issue and took appropriate action within our authority. The issues of mental illness and gun regulation are state and national issues and not ones dealt with on a local, municipal level.
It should also be noted that typically government moves at a snail’s pace. Sometimes it is years before an idea becomes reality. This initiative was acted upon with weeks and it required the coordination of and approval of all 4 Superintendents in whose schools the SROs would be placed.
Aldama questions why the city is not placing SROs in elementary schools and charter schools. I believe the current count of schools within the city is somewhere around 80. It is simply not financially feasible to do so and Aldama knows it.
The City does have an Officer Liaison program that has specified officers visiting as many middle and elementary schools as possible on a weekly basis. Since the majority of school shootings occur on high school campuses, the council felt that it was do-able and affordable. How could we not at least make sure all of our high schools were safer?
He then goes on to say, “I am not clear on what these officer’s duties will be.” Glendale has had SROs for years, probably close to 20 years. If he doesn’t know what their duties are then he hasn’t been doing his job for all he had to do was ask at any time.
He then chides us for our “lack of transparency” and for our lack of “open public dialogue and communication.” This is double-speak that in this instance simply does not fit the circumstance. This action is not a new tax on our citizens. It is a reallocation of existent city funds. It is a situation that is better served by immediate action. The call for dialogue is a tactic often used to slow down or kill a decision.
Councilmember Aldama, if you had shared your opinion with council instead of staying mute, you would have earned a modicum of respect. If your decision was perceived as having been done for some solid reasons, you might have earned more respect. Instead, despite all of your hyperbole, the perception of those familiar with this decision making process, your action appears to be no more than a very transparent attempt to win favor with Glendale’s unions. This wasn’t the best time to, as Nancy Reagan used to say, “Just say no.”
© Joyce Clark, 2018
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“…Aldama questions why the city is not placing SROs in elementary schools and charter schools. I believe the current count of schools within the city is somewhere around 80. It is simply not financially feasible to do so and Aldama knows it….”
Seriously, Joyce, do you not think this is a legitimate question?
Why is the emphasis solely on high schools here in Glendale – (and throughout the country, as well?)
Just because the latest incident happened in a high school in Parkland, Florida it doesn’t mean that the next mass shooting won’t happen in one of the elementary/charter schools.
(Note: Glendale CC and MidWestern University, have their own security personnel, but that’s not necessarily a guarantee that those campuses are “safe” from the next mass murderer.)
You say that it is not “financially feasible” to put SROs in all 80 schools within the city.
So, I guess at this time only the lives of high school students matter?
In all honesty, I believe the City Council acted hastily and the decision is short sighted.
I know you are often at odds with the Councilman in your post, but I gotta’ tell you, in this case I think Jaime Aldama had a good point.
So here is a thought. How about you put SROs in a few more schools and then just TELL people and put up signs in the rest? A “Armed response is available at this school” sign would act like a deterrent. Sort of like a Clun for your car, Maybe there actually is some mystery security guard and maybe not. The kids don’t know but they HAVE heard about them in other schools. So it all works the same at a fraction of the costs. It’s not as though we have these every day despite what the “movements” and media tell us. Then we put that money into programs about “being kind to your fellow students” and “parenting in the new generation” and maybe make a real difference. Just a thought.