Disclaimer: The comments in this blog are my personal opinion and may or may not reflect an adopted position of the city of Glendale and its city council.

I am pleased to announce that Glendale citizens have approved both bond questions in yesterday’s election. Question 1 authorizes additional bonding capacity of $82 million for street and intersection improvements and Question 2 authorizes capacity of $78 million for public safety. In both cases, no new bonds will be issued until there is the city’s capacity to pay them off without increasing your property taxes.

Here are the results posted by the Maricopa County elections department.

  • On Question 1, streets, 21,279 or 17.87% of all Glendale registered voters voted.
  • There were 12,061 (57.03%) voters who approved of the question.
  • There were 9,089 (42.97%) who voted ‘no’ on the question.
  • On Question 2, public safety, 21,279 or 17.87% of all Glendale registered voters voted.
  • There were 12,699 (60.06%) who approved of the question.
  • There were 8,446 (39.94%) who voted ‘no’ on the question.

I am waiting for the Canvass of Votes to see how those numbers break down by district. I expect to see the total number of votes cast in each district as well as how many were ‘yes’ votes and how many were ‘no’ votes by district. When I have that information, I will share the data in another blog.

Over the next 5 to 10 years, I look forward to the construction of street and public safety projects that will benefit all of us. For Yucca district residents, passage of the street bonds means we can finally see the reconstruction of 83rd Avenue between Glendale Avenue and Northern Avenue, a street I have characterized as “Alligator Alley” because the road is so rough, and it zig zags from a single lane in each direction to a double lane and then back to a single lane.

These questions passed because of the tremendous support offered by ordinary citizens, Glendale’s Bond Committee and most importantly, the hard work of the firefighters’ and police officers’ unions. Their strong advocacy for passage of the bonds played a critical role in their passage. They recognized how much the anticipated projects would help them to be more effective in providing essential services to everyone in Glendale.

The Mayor and Councilmembers Hugh, Malnar and I were in total support of both bond questions. Councilmembers Aldama, Tolmachoff and Turner, not so much. Keep in mind that city councilmembers could not advocate for or against the bonds in their official capacities but privately, if asked, they could convey their support for or against the bond questions.

It’s a good day for Glendale as it continues to build a stronger and safer community for all its residents.

Thank you to the 12,000+ registered voters who shared their optimism and support for Glendale.

© Joyce Clark, 2023     


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