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Late on Thursday afternoon, October 11, 2018 the following was delivered to Mayor Jerry Weiers as well as copies to the entire Glendale City Council, Glendale’s City Manager and the entire Phoenix City Council. It is not marked as a confidential document.
It is a Press Release for immediate release to the media and copied to the respective parties named above.
I have no comment at this time as either an elected official of Glendale or a private citizen. I have no idea if the allegations offered are true or false. However, this is a public document and within it is the representation of serious allegations that have been provided to all media. As a public document released to the media I believe that the citizens of Glendale and Phoenix are entitled to view the Press Release and the allegations contained therein. It is up to you to draw your own conclusions about its veracity.
All of the parties who received the Press Release also received a copy of an interview by the young lady making the allegations. I am not releasing the video copy at this time until I have had an opportunity to consult with the Glendale City Attorney.
Recently there have been many allegations of sexual misconduct made against celebrities and politicians. Women have discovered the time is right to come out and reveal their painful secrets and I applaud them for this.
Unfortunately one of the cornerstones of our constitution, the presumption of innocence until proven guilty, has been completely trampled. I don’t condone any of the misconduct alleged, but I’m alarmed and dissapointed by this rush to judgement and the willingness to believe any allegation. Any woman with an axe to grind will find plenty of support whether or not there’s any truth to her claim.
Currently, a woman need only allege a man abused her, and the man will be vilified and
excoriated without a shred of evidence or corroborating witnesses. The outcry surrounding the confirmation of Justice Kavanaugh is a perfect example. Protests took place all over the country simply because of several allegations of misconduct many years ago. Personally, I think the timing of these allegations were politically motivated.
So what’s next? Widespread support for vigilantism? Will those who are so willing to believe anything they hear, decide they have the right to mete out punishment beyond what they are currently doing? Are crowds of ill-informed people going to drag citizens out of their homes and hang them from the nearest tree based on nothing more than rumor or innuendo?
It’s been said that the only thing evil needs to flourish is for good men (and women) to do nothing. We shall see.
Um…so what’s the issue here? 7 or so years ago a firefighter had paid sex with a stripper after she did drugs on a regular basis. She isn’t saying it wasn’t consensual. Is she coming clean that she is a prostitute and wants to be arrested along with her customer?
This isn’t misconduct, it’s just trashy. Why would this be delivered to the various political bodies and not the police? I mean, OK, give it to the media if you want people to believe this guy is nasty. It would probably make a good story. but don’t cry “sexual misconduct”.
Like Mark says, remember that innocence comes first. Or at least it’s supposed to.