Disclaimer: The comments in this blog are my personal opinion and may or may not reflect an adopted position of the city of Glendale and its city council.
This is a blog that just had to be written. Two terrible tragedies have occurred – one during the past month and the other very recently.
Kathie Roe, a longtime friend, died on October 27, 2023, in a house fire. The cause of the fire is under investigation. It is a horrible, unimaginable way to go. I only hope she was overcome by smoke before the flames reached her.
I had known Kathie for over 20 years. She was a pistol. She was passionate and compassionate. No matter what task Kathie committed to, she was like the energizer bunny. She put her heart and soul into every project. Kathie’s latest commitment to Glendale, among many over the years, was as a commissioner on the Parks and Recreation Commission. Kathie cared deeply about Glendale, and it showed in her words, deeds, and actions.
She was taken too soon and will be deeply missed by all who knew her. God grant her peace. Please pray for Kathie that she is in the loving arms of God.
The other tragedy is not a tragedy but an evil act. On Wednesday, November 15, 2023, around 6:15 p.m. at the intersection of 51st Avenue and Peoria Avenue in Glendale, Hans Schmidt, in a senseless act of violence, was shot. He and his family had recently moved to Glendale. He is 26 years old and has already served his country as a military medic. He is a husband and the father of two children. He is the outreach director at Victory Chapel in Glendale.
He was shot in the head and is in critical condition, in intensive care and stable. Victory Chapel started a fund in Schmidt’s name for medical expenses. Please click on this link to donate for Hans and his family: https://www.givelify.com/donate/NjI3NDk=/donation/amount . Any amount, even one dollar, is appreciated.
The two most important things in his life are his family and his faith. He has his whole life before him. Hans was doing an act he had done many times before, standing at the intersection encouraging all who passed by to attend his church, Victory Chapel. Who, in their right mind, would try to destroy a man of faith? As I said, someone who is pure evil.
What is even more shocking is that it occurred in Glendale. Glendale is not the big city like Phoenix. It still retains its hometown feel and you can see it and feel it as you drive through our downtown. To have something like this occur here is beyond our imagination. It makes you realize that no matter where you live, you can be touched by evil. I do not like what our country has become and I suspect that many of you feel the same way.
Peoria Avenue and 51st Avenue is a busy intersection with hundreds of vehicles passing through each hour. There is someone out there who saw something or heard something about this act.
If you know anything about this senseless act, please call the Glendale Police Department at 623-930- 3000, the non-emergency line.
Both Kathie and Hans need your prayers. Please pray for them.
© Joyce Clark, 2023
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I agree with you, I don’t like what’s happening in our country. Each of us needs to not throw up our arms like there is nothing we can do. We can be observant good neighbors who keep our eyes and ears open. If we see something that doesn’t look right report it and continue to be watchful. You aren’t a snitch you are a good neighbor. There is evil being done all around us. If we have faith we know who we can go to but there’s a lot up to us. Do what’s right ,not if it feels good do it.