It has been 17 years and 242 days since the city’s pledge to build the West Branch Library.
This is for any “Fischer-philes” still out there. I don’t follow Glendale’s former city manager Brenda Fischer. She’s no longer relevant now that she’s gone from Glendale. Other people still do. One of them sent me the latest on Fischer Consulting.
Guess who two of her latest clients are? How about Julie Frisoni (former Glendale Assistant City Manager) and Mark Burdick (former Glendale Fire Chief)? Here is the link to Fischer’s site: .
I guess Frisoni’s former staid and conservative website was not driving much business. It’s odd because she bills herself as a master communicator. So she turned to her old buddy, Fischer, to pep it up with an orange background and an array of microphones as the major image and added a bunch of new communication services (that happen to be eerily similar to Fischer’s offerings on her website). Hmmm…from a sophisticated image to a garish one in one fell swoop.
What is even more interesting is the fact that Burdick has formed his own fire consulting business, Innovative Fire Service Solutions. Is this a precursor for providing ambulance service in Glendale in the near future? Who did he use to design his advertising material? Why, Brenda Fischer. Fischer seems to be rather weak in graphic design. The use of a black background with gold text is not the most readable image. A light bulb with fire atop it is rather trite.
Frisoni and Burdick comprised part of Fischer’s inner power circle during her Glendale days. There were others. So, it’s not surprising that we continue to see the ongoing relationships among all three.
© Joyce Clark, 2015
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Frizoni’s looks like something from a tween website. But it is a good fit for both Frizoni and Fisher.
I wonder of Innovative Fire Service Solutions is a vendor associated with the City of Glendale? If not now, perhaps in the very near future?
As a career local government menager who then moved to consulting and did projects in several cities in 5 states, this should be fun to watch them actually get business and make money in the private sector.
And those business cards are certainly flashy, but I am not sure anyone will consider them as professional.
Frisoni’s is just trashy & Burdick’s is just bad. I think most graphic designers would just shake their head! Amateur at best.