In the July 3, 2014 Glendale Star story by Darrell Jackson on council’s vote to eliminate the sales tax sunset (here is the link: ) Vice Mayor Knaack said the following, “ No one wants to pay more taxes, but this tax already exists. Did we hope this tax would be able to sunset in 2017? Absolutely. And we did not lie when we said that.”
Here is the link to the January 21, 2014 workshop meeting on the city budget: . At the 47 minute, 8 second mark Vice Mayor Knaack begins speaking and says, “When we did that tax the only reason it sunsetted (sic) was to make it more palatable to the residents. I don’t think we should have sunsetted (sic) it. I really wasn’t for sunsetting (sic) it but that’s what happened. I didn’t think it was realistic…”
Did she lie? You decide.
© Joyce Clark, 2014
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It is not that she lied… she only said what she though people wanted to hear. Sometime politicians massage the truth …. to make it more palatable
The Vice Mayor has a real knack for bending the truth. .. I voted. . .
Well, if the initiative is successful she may get her wish.., not the one in the City Council meeting..the one in the article. A stark case of mispresentation, or talking out of both sides of your mouth.
That woman says what ever she needed to win friends. She supported the tax because Ed and Julie told her to do so because that was the only way we could make the hockey payments. As I recall when you introduced the idea of a sunset she quickly jumped on board. When the mayor introduced the idea of a break for the sales over $5k she hated it because the mayor was against the hockey contract by that time. She however changed her mind in an effort to stop the first initiative and it worked. She was even running around with staff having public “informational” meetings in the community saying it will sunset in five years because we have a plan. As I recall the city attorney who said it was ok for staff to have these meetings but he never attended one single meeting.
Another thing, watch out for more staff campaigning called “informational meetings.” I hope someone does something to stop it this time. Maybe this time the city attorney will be involved.
I dont know whetehr or not she lied about this particular thing..I would HATE if someone took all of my anonymous blog posts (which have been a source of lifetime embarrassment for me anyway..) and looked for disparities in what I said.
With that, I would like to thank the vice mayor for her support of the Arizona Coyotes.
it took GUTS to not give in to the defeatists who were willing to lose this professional organization.
Only jokes for cities lose professional organizations and this happens to be one of the best run in town.
When given a chance and not piled on by alot of people, we’ll see if they will succeed and the numbers indicate that the everything is on a great upward trend.
Dont get me wrong, if they and the city cant figure out a way to become enthusiastic partners then maybe it wont work out, but I would like to think that given honest time they will do great.
A community that loses ANY professional organization is 2nd rate.
Atlanta, Hartford all have this stigma.
Seattle, a very progressive town with a real sense of community would be glad to take this team on….
If anyone wants a small bedroom community where nothing happens all you got to do is visit any town between here and Indianapolis Indiana.
Vice MAyor Knaack seemed to recognize this as did a couple others on your board..
I am for paying taxes for alot of things. And paying even more.
For public safety AND arenas, baseball fields, and symphony orchestras and anything that seperates US from the good folks I used to be from in podunk.
I just layed down 20K for 2 years worth of tickets and parking and barely had enough for rent…ha
So, put my money where my mouth is….(and like embarrasses me sometime)
I DO understand the arguements however between the no funding hockey (or any organization) and the pro funding people (me)
Thank you Vice Mayor……
Just my opinion and thanks
Please allow me the opportunity to introduce you to a few 2nd rate cities: Seattle, Scottsdale (yes we took the coyotes from them), or for that matter Phoenix, LA, Tucson ( they had the white sox). As of today I think Glendale would like to be in anyone of these cities shoes. Maybe not Phoenix
Knaack has lived in a fantasy world. I have some of her original campaign fliers and NOT ONE of her promises has she followed through on.
I have watched my neighborhood go downhill bad. Neighbors, good people, are walking out of there homes for many reasons and all those homes are becoming rental trash. As I drive through the neighborhoods, what was once a beautiful city I am in awe of the way we are falling apart. Ask Knaack when was the last time she cruised ANY of her district? OLD TOM would cruise on weekends and if you were out he would stop and talk with us, Tom cared for Glendale,not the almighty buck!
From 59th to 67th along Peoria, just to mention one area, the evergreen trees in the median are turning brown from lack of water by the city. Granted it’s not all Glendale’s fault, the economy is bad and has been too long, BUT, Glendale city council or Glendale SPORT council isn’t helping. Water and city services are on the downfall while they want more taxes? Law enforcement officers are so stressed I’m just waiting for the law suite against the city. We are shorthanded in every area! Shopping at Fry’s last Saturday I came across another lady who has problem with this whole mess, especially law enforcement. She like me do all our purchases outside Glendale because of the tax crap. Maybe if they put it to good use we all might support this TEMP. TA? TEMP???
We have he supper bowl coming that is another non money maker for the TAX PAYERS, fact is it cost us how many million’s last time around?
“O”, we own a hockey team, no, a hockey team owns us that doesn’t even have the name GLENDALE associated with it. Now they, council and mayor , get season tickets and we get nothing? Wouldn’t that be excepting bribes and grounds for an investigation? How bout misuse of tax funds. Someone, they all, belong in jail!