It has been 18 years and 136 days since the city’s pledge to build the West Branch Library.
Our world is changing rapidly. We live in an age when social media is vital to ensure that all of Glendale’s residents’ voices are sought and heard. You, who live within our community, are eager share how best to build an even stronger Glendale and Yucca district.
It is no longer “enough” for the City of Glendale to hold public meetings, often sparsely attended. People are just too busy living their lives to make a commitment to attend. However, I believe there is still a place for them in communicating with the people of the Yucca district through twice yearly district meetings.
It is time to use social media and all of its potential. More and more of us use Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. and mobile platforms such as tablets and smart phones. These conduits have the capability to get information out instantly to large groups of Yucca and Glendale residents.
There is yet another use for social media that has been generally ignored by the city to date. Too often, the city announces decisions without the benefit of social media’s use to engage residents in its decision making process. I’m not referring to big decisions such as the update and adoption of Glendale’s next City Plan for that is an issue where city solicitation of residents’ opinions is robust but rather relatively smaller issues where social media could be a valuable tool.
- I pledge to advocate for city use of on online surveys and polls on city and district issues.
- I pledge to resume hosting of regular district meetings, at a central location within the district.
- I pledge to provide the opportunity at district meetings to express your concerns on issues important to you and to offer you the opportunity to submit complaints with regard to the performance of city services.
- I pledge to resume the issuance of Yucca district newsletters mailed to every home.
- I pledge to be accessible by use of the phone, the internet, other social media or in person.
- I pledge to use social media to not only explain my point of view on issues but more importantly, to give you a venue where you know your opinion will be heard and valued. Be assured that I will listen and I have been known to change my position on an issue as a result of listening to Yucca residents.
A councilmember’s duty is to reach out to district residents. Reaching out to district residents has always been my priority and was practiced during my previous service to you. From time to time you may have a complaint about the level of service you receive from the city. It will remain my responsibility to advocate for you and to work to get your complaint resolved.
© Joyce Clark, 2016
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Thank you Joyce, nothing worse than inaccessibility to our representatives in government.
I totally agree with John. Time to let us know what’s going on BEFORE it happens and it’s too late to have any input.
Ms. Clark: There is no doubt you will work very hard to open the lines of communication with the residents of the Yucca district and the City of Glendale. Be careful you don’t put all your eggs in the media basket as it is sometimes easy to hide behind email – text responses. Open/honest face to face discussions are still the best.
I realize you have made your point relating to a promise city leaders had made 18 years and 136 days ago relating to the West Branch library. However, is it time to give this matter a rest? You may be better served by updating the community about the proposed Justice Center discussed in 2004-05 and the purchase of the auto dealership on 49th & Glendale that we just had to have. And the status of that property is?.
I welcome all “open/honest face to face discussions.” I will meet with anyone, anytime, anywhere. I have never hidden behind email but I do think the greater use of social media’s time has come. It is never time to give the construction of a permanent West Branch Library a rest. It is too long overdue.
As for the status of the two properties that you mentioned, not being on council, I have no new information to offer. I believe the city still owns those properties but just as in the case of the West Branch Library there has been no funding directed to the construction of anything — except for the $32 million invested in constructing parking for the football stadium.