[poll id=”29″]Disclaimer: The comments in this blog are my personal opinion and may or may not reflect an adopted position of the city of Glendale and its city council.

During the course of each year vacancies for various boards and commissions arise. Sometimes an appointment has expired; sometimes people move or become ill and can no longer serve. Presently there are three vacancies for Yucca district appointees and another 4 at-large vacancies that can be filled by residents living anywhere in the city, including the Yucca district.

Here is the website for filling out an application online:


Below are the current vacancies with a description of the board or commission, the number of members and when the body meets:


  1. Board of Adjustment

Role: Holds public hearings on requests for variances and appeals to city administrative decisions regarding zoning.

Membership: At least five but not more than seven members appointed by the City Council for two-year terms.

Meets: Second Thursday of each month at 4:00 PM in Room B3.

  1. Citizens Utility Advisory Commission

Role: Provides the City Council with recommendations regarding policies and strategies related to City infrastructure, including the City’s landfill and solid waste services, regional collboration, water resources sustainability, operations and infrastructure to ensure the well-being and quality of life of Glendale residents and businesses.

Membership: Seven members appointed by the City Council for two-year terms.

Meets: First Wednesday’s of the month at 6:00pm in Conference Room C of the Oasis Water Treatment Campus

  1. Human Relations Commission

Role: Makes recommendations to the City Council on ways to enourage mutual respect and understanding among all people, to discourage prejudice and discrimination, and to support cultural awareness and unity of the community.

Membership:  A total of 14 members consisting of 2 members appointed by each member of the City Council for two-year terms.

Meets: To be determined upon appointment of members.


  1. Community Development Advisory Commission

Role: Makes recommendations to the City Council regarding the allocation of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds to eligible area non-profit groups; advises City Council on policies related to the city’s Community Housing programs and the city’s Community Action Program (CAP); provides general advice on human services in Glendale as related to the administration of these programs

Membership: A total of 13 members consisting of 1 representative from the Glendale Elementary School District, 5 representatives from low income residents/neighborhoods and 7 members representing City Council.

Meets: 6:00 p.m., third Thursday of each month.

  1. Judicial Selection Advisory Board

Role: Seeks and encourages qualified individuals to apply for Glendale Presiding Judge and City Judge. Reviews investigative materials, survey results and other background information to assess qualifications of candidates for appointment and reappointment to these positions. Makes recommendations to the City Council.

Membership: Seven members including the Presiding Judge of Maricopa County Superior Court or designee. An Appellate Court Judge appointed by the Chief Justice of the Arizona Supreme Court, Maricopa County Bar Association member who resides in Glendale, State Bar Association member who resides in Glendale, and three public members who are residents of Glendale and appointed by the City Council.

Meets: Meets as needed

  1. Municipal Property Corporation

Role: A non-profit corporation that assists the City with the financing and construction of public facilities in accordance with specification approved by City Council. The Municipal Property Corporation sells bonds to obtain the necessary funds to construct public facilities.

Membership: Five members with strong financial expertise.

Meets: As necessary


  1. Library Advisory Board

Role: Advises the City Council on policies related to the administration and provision of library

Membership: Nine members appointed by the City Council for two-year terms, including two high school students.

Meets: 6 p.m. on the Second Wednesday of each month

Once your online application is submitted it remains on file. When a vacancy occurs for a board or commission for which you have indicated a willingness to serve you will be contacted by the district councilmember, usually by phone, to discuss the appointment.

Surely you can afford an hour a month. Sometimes meetings are vacated because there is no business before that board or commission. It’s a great way to learn about your city, Glendale.

Volunteerism in all of its forms pays you far more than the time you give to it. You make new friends as you become involved. I urge you to give it a shot.

© Joyce Clark, 2018         


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