Disclaimer: The comments in this blog are my personal opinion and may or may not reflect an adopted position of the city of Glendale and its city council.
I publish a weekly ENews letter every Thursday. It contains a lot of great information. Learn about upcoming events in Glendale or find out which streets in the Yucca district are scheduled for pavement management. Each week there is something new.
Click on this link to subscribe or copy and paste into your browser. It will show up in your email every Thursday.
Here are some samples from this past Thursday’s ENews:
There are great things happening in Glendale and my Enews is a great way to learn about them. Once you subscribe you will receive my weekly bulleting chock full of information. For example, every week I post which streets in the district are scheduled for pavement management.
Give it a try. If you don’t like it you can always opt out.
© Joyce Clark, 2022
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