It has been 17 years and 162 days since the city’s pledge to build the West Branch Library.
Unless you have been comatose by now you know that on June 10, 2015 the Glendale City Council voted 5 -2 to cancel its Lease Management Agreement with IceArizona for the city owned arena. Two days later, June 12, 2015 Ice Arizona successfully secured a Temporary Restraining Order (TRO).
Just think about it. The council vote was 5 -2 with Councilmember Jamie Aldama breaking ranks with Councilmembers Sherwood and Chavira. In his remarks he said that while he is pro business he felt compelled to uphold the integrity of the process.
Just think about it. The five councilmembers who voted to void the contract have divergent backgrounds in terms of educational levels, incomes, ethnicity, time served on city council yet collectively they found the facts available to them (and not to the public to date) compelling enough to move forward with voiding the contract.
Just think about it. This council has been characterized as being idiots, fools and all manner of the devil. They knew there would be an extraordinarily violent reaction yet they held fast and voted their consciences. Only senior management and the council know the facts relating to state statute § 38-511. They knew that IceArizona would sue; they knew there would be legal fees; they knew the fan base would come unglued; they knew the media, in its search for fresh red meat, would berate them. They knew…yet they still voted to cancel the contract. Didn’t any of these groups pause for just a nanosecond to consider that the city’s allegations could be quite legitimate?
Just think about it. The 5 members of city council that voted to cancel the contract must stay the course. They took an oath to uphold the law. They have a fiduciary responsibility to every Glendale taxpayer. If an opportunity for further dialogue with the Coyotes presents itself they should take advantage of that opportunity. If it brings no resolution then they must follow through on cancellation of the contract.
Just think about it. Many question why now? Quite frankly, it is irrelevant. The makeup of the city council changed with this past election. The original 4 councilmembers that approved the contract dwindled to 2 creating an environment that allowed the facts as known to the city to be considered and acted upon.
Just think about it. The greater question is what has happened to civil society? America is great because one of its bedrock values is freedom of speech. Everyone, on either side of this issue, has the freedom to express an opinion but it should be tempered speech based on the facts. It is acknowledged that the Coyotes fans are stunned and angered by the recent city action. In their anger some have allowed emotion to override common decency.
Just think about it. One action that is stark in its viciousness was that of Ms. Rhonda Pierson on the night of the special voting meeting. Ms. Pierson expressed the beliefs of some Coyotes fans and she had the right to do so but the vindictiveness of her speech was out of bounds. Social media has turned her into a heroine of some sort despite the ugliness of her delivery. I didn’t catch it if she announced it but did she acknowledge that she was (or may still be) an employee of the Coyotes organization?
Just think about it. Then today, June 13, 2015, Mayor Weiers who had announced that he was willing to be tazed to raise money for the 100 Club (mission: support of law enforcement families) was tazed by Ms. Pierson. The event was intended to be a great gesture in support of law enforcement recently vilified nationwide. By choosing Ms. Pierson as the designated person to taze the mayor it turned into a distasteful event that made many people uncomfortable. It wasn’t done in the spirit in which it was originally intended but rather turned into a symbolic expression of vindictiveness for the city’s recent vote to void the contract. Those behind the choosing of Ms. Pierson to perform the act have sunk to a new low and are no better than those within the city they currently choose to hate. It was petty and mean spirited.
Just think about it. Social media is a platform that creates a herd mentality and its anoninimity emboldens some to exceed the bounds of common civility. It encourages an atmosphere that causes mass salivation of others’ perceived misfortunes or misdeeds and often reactions are based on raw emotion in the absence of any fact. The level of vituprativeness and ugliness of some folks’ speech has risen to an unprecented level not just locally but on issues throughout the country.
Just think about it. There are probably about 100 local fans that use social media on a regular basis. They have been whipped into frenzy, in part, by the comments made by Anthony LeBlanc as he recently made the media rounds. Did anyone bother to take note that he had to walk back some of his misstatements? Such as, they were never asked by the city to consider renegotiation or Tindall was the only former Glendale employee ever connected to the Coyotes.
Just think about it. There are about 239,000 residents of Glendale. The arena holds slightly north of 17,000. If everyone of the 17,000 was a Glendale resident that would be one twelfth of Glendale right now. In a survey done by one of the TV stations it was reported that 59% of the Glendale residents surveyed supported the cancelling of the IceArizona contract.
Just think about it. If some wish to boycott Glendale’s businesses in protest, that is their right. If some wish to mount recall petitions against every Glendale councilmember, that is their right but ugly expressions of anger directed to the city are not right if one respects the bounds of common decency.
Just think about it. The media has reported that in the next few days IceArizona and city personnel will meet. Let us hope that a long and costly court battle can be avoided. Let us hope that they can work out their differences regarding the contract. I really would like to see the Coyotes stay in Glendale but not at the current rate of taxpayer subsidization.
Just think about it. If nothing comes of their meeting I wish the Coyotes well, perhaps playing in Phoenix. The only nagging question that comes to mind is who is going to pay the Coyotes $15 million a year to play in their facility? The City of Phoenix? Or Robert Sarver?
© Joyce Clark, 2015
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It is best for both parties to part ways.
Hopefully , the team will move downtown and partner with the Suns.
I hope both parties come together and both parties will walk away satisfied.
Hopefully my Yotes will share an arena with the Suns under similar conditions.
They will pay there own way on this as the Suns do because every fan who used the excuse of the arenas location as a reason not to go to the games, won’t have that excuse anymore
That will provided the necessary income to provide for ourselves.
Let’s go YOTES! And so long Glendale.
I wish it could have worked. GRA is a beautiful arena.
If your YOTES would pay their own way in Glendale, there wouldn’t be an issue now.
I’m glad it turned out this way. Big sport teams don’t belong in small cities.
(At least I hope it turns out that way )
It will all end up well.
The city will be relieved of this team and the team will end up where every pro team belongs.
Either here in Phoenix or somewhere else.
I guess Glendale did sign something in agreement with the current situation .. Right ?
Hahaha! Your Coyotes are NOT going to move to Phoenix with the Suns.. Wanna know why? Because they are NOT going to receive the $15 mil/yr SUBSIDY they currently were receiving from CoG from the City of Phoenix or anyone else for that matter! The Phoenix Mayor has already gone on record saying they most certainly will not! So you might as well give up on that dream, buddy boy! And if you actually believe this SUBSIDY is actually an “arena management fee”, wait and see what happens to your beloved Totes once this “fee” is gone!
Carl…. first…. you really need to stick to trolling the #Coyotes hashtag on Twitter, 😉
Of the $15 million annual arena fee… the Coyotes return roughly $8 million to the city in revenue streams. Glendale budgeted $6 million to operate the arena themselves, with or without a hockey team. Those were HARD NUMBERS based upon more than one study of other arenas. So all this crap about “$15 million subsidy” is just a lot of bollocks that you and your cohorts from up north on Twitter keep regurgitating just continues to show your ignorance.
The Mayor of Phoenix has been only record about is he’s talked to the Coyotes about hosting them downtown, IF…. and only if they can no longer play at Gila River Arena. Nothing else has been discussed about how they would accomplish this, so again…. your proclamation of what Phoenix’s mayor has “declared” is just more bollocks.
Is it a serious offer?? I’d say it’s more grandstanding than anything, but it’s still an option.
As a Glendale taxpayer I am pround of our Council’s Decision to take a stand against the Agreement. It didn’t benefit Glendale like it should have when it was approved on July 2, 2013. Interestingly – that same night, July 2, 2013, the Council also voted to hire Brenda Fischer as the City Manager. On July 2, 2013 Becker Boards also had its first public meeting to introduce its plan for billboards at Bell and 101.
That was not a good night for Glendale residents and taxpayers.
I encourage all Glendale residents who have been complaining about having to pay $15M a year for the IceArizona management agreement to send an e-mail letting our Mayor and Council know that you realize it was a difficult decision for them to take a stand against the Agreement but that you support that decision. After all the media blasting of Glendale, our Mayor, and our Council, they need to know they have the support of the taxpayers they are trying to protect.
They sure don’t have my support. You just better hope we don’t spend 200 million in litigation fees.
But will you still support their decision if they lose and have to pay millions in damages on top of upholding their end of the management deal? That seems to be the direction most legal experts I’ve seen quoted in the media expect it to go.
Just think about it. The city could’ve waited 3 more years for the Coyotes to exercise their out clause and only been out $6M per year on the whole ordeal (their target number going in). Instead they decide to take a route that, in the court of public opinion, has gained them the reputation of being an unreliable business partner.
Plus they dont have to pay 15M a year. Its closer to 6-7 when all is said and done
If this goes to court, it will make the money spent against the TO casino look like pocket change. The who will be in favor of it. A contract is a contract. No one put a gun to the city’s head and forced them to sign it. AND if the citizens were so against this deal, why couldn’t Ken Jones and crew gather enough signatures to put it on a ballot? Guess those against didn’t think about working a back room deal in Norma Alvarez’s front room for money to get it on a ballot in a year they didn’t need as many signatures (non-Presidential election year)?
I agree with you Joyce. The media has not done their homework and the hockey fans don’t care if the city is insolvent. Dick Bowers is no dummy. He and staff darned near begged the city not to sign that contract for good reason. The “journalists” at the AZ Republic calling council dumb is laughable and childish at best.
That’s the first time they’ve sided with the Coyotes on anything. Guess Elaine Skruggs isn’t around to ask for favors any longer. They took this public rather than work with Ice Edge (remember everyone who said it was Ice Edge asking to re-work deal?) behind closed doors. They were hoping for press support (who have been on the other side before), but this time they haven’t received it. They lost this volley. Let’s see if they have really done their homework (that took two years mind you), or if they really are grasping at straws to avoid the real gorilla soon bursting into their room… Camelback Ranch!
Very well written, Joyce! You are right on the money with every point! Leblanc is clearly displaying his “panic mode” because he knows this contract is going to actually be voided, thus cutting off his “welfare check” to support his “capital venture”! But wait, isn’t capitalism supposed to be “self-sufficient” and not rely on SOCIALISTIC funds, such as taxpayers dollars from a municipality? Aren’t THEY the ones always lobbying for more FREE MARKET COMPETITION and LESS government involvement? That doesn’t sound like capitalism to me! Anthony Leblanc and his group of welfare-relient team “ownership” give a bad name to capitalism and capitalists all around! And the NHL supports this behavior? What an embarrassment!!
If you have seen Julie Frisoni on the TV saying the city is pathetic, and she had NO involvement with contract. Go to her website, Frisoni PR see she lists contract negotiations with Coyotes as one of her accomplishments with the city. So, she is being dishonest in her accomplishments or with the press. Remember, she is a master of illusion and knows how to spin the story.
Frisoni – Maybe not part of this end deal but
how may other facets of the Coyotes was she mixed up in
over the years? Anything doing with Ed Beasley
she was his second brain. There is much to learn
that has yet to come out. Yes! The Truth!
Wait until Hugh’s dirty laundry is sent to the cleaners, I bet you will sing a different tune then. Lets now even get into the “I want free superbowl tickets” mayor. Remember career politicians have lots and lots of enemies.
Joyce, can you elaborate on the city attorney’s mention of former Asst City Manager Julie Frisoni in court? I see that the Coyotes gave her a PR contract after she left the city, but how does that fit into a “conflict of interest” allegation? She left the city well after the city signed the deal with the Coyotes.
Shana, right at this moment it may not be appropriate to discuss Frisoni other than what the city announced publicly.
Councilmember Jamie Aldama attempt to table the vote first. Jamie is a state employee works for the community college, ARS states he can not work for a city it is crime . the law is the law per the mayor .