In 2009, a scant 4 years ago and what now seems like an eternity in the Coyotes saga; Ice Edge which has now morphed into Renaissance Sports and Entertainment; which has now has a subsidiary called Ice Arizona was in the hunt to purchase the Phoenix Coyotes. Its competitor at the time was Reinsdorf and Kaites.
Keith McCullough was part of the Ice Edge group and was interviewed on July 31, 2009 by Bloomberg TV. During that interview he was asked about the Ice Edge bid and during the course of his answer at one point he said, “We actually have a 3 to 5 year plan coming out of an economic cycle in an area that we think is opportunistic.”
When asked about their intent to play Coyotes games in Saskatoon and Halifax, Mr. McCullough said, “People in Phoenix don’t want to go to a hockey game anyway. You might as well bring them to Canada where people will go bonkers to watch a hockey game.”
Both of his answers sent the Coyote nation into shock. There was fear and anger that this group’s real intent was to move the team in 3-5 years because in their view the hockey market in Phoenix was not nearly as profitable as the market in Canada.
Recently McCullough has tweeted confirming his involvement in what is now known as Ice Arizona, scheduled to receive the NHL’s Board of Governors’ blessing at any moment as well as consummating the NHL’s sale of the team. Ice Arizona’s current slogan is “Here to stay.” It’s time for McCullough to stand up. Does he still hold to the sentiments expressed on that Bloomberg TV interview? Will he disavow his previous remarks? Has he fully embraced Ice Arizona’s intent of “Here to stay?” Legitimate questions requiring legitimate answers for the Coyote nation.
Joyce, That comment is out of context and from more than four years ago. We have been consitent one thing – our intention is to keep this team in Glendale, full stop. #HereToStay -Daryl
Thank you for your response. I fail to see where Mr. McCullough’s remarks that I cited were out of context. He was asked about the Ice Edge bid and said specifically that there was a 3-5 plan of operation. When asked about playing in Saskatoon and Halifax, he said people in Phoenix don’t want to go to a hockey game anyway. Please point out where those remarks are out of context. You are correct in your time frame. His remarks were made on July 31, 2009, exactly 4 years and 2 days ago. I understand and am gratified to see that your commitment is to keep the team in Glendale. It is critical on many levels. I appreciate that but I still would like to know that Mr. McCullough no longer believes in those 4 year old comments. It’s an assurance that all would appreciate.
Jones wouldn’t know the truth if it bit him in the ass, If the intent was to move in 5 years would anyone involved in Ice Edge Arizona or whatever they call themselves today. Why the out clause if they have no intention to move? Won’t matter, these idiots will bankrupt within 3 years IF they even close the deal.
From various opinions I’ve seen from people who deal in these things….. The out clause was probably necessary in order to obtain the financing they needed for the purchase.
The IceArizona group is well aware of how many Coyotes fans have cringed over the last 4-years at the thought of an out clause, but they had no other option. And at this point most Yotes fans I’ve come across are willing to live with an out clause. Remember…. it’s only an option IF…. and only if certain financial targets get hit.
So if you think IceArizona would just deliberately blow themselves up over the next five years up just to move the team somewhere else?? I’m not sure who’s ass would get bit first… yours or Mr. Jones’??
I saw the video 4 years ago, and to me even at that date/time it was said with a heavy sense of sarcasm.
It’s pretty obvious to me.
I must be extremely dense. I did not note the “heavy sarcasm” that you allude to. I saw a man who was genuine offering genuine answers. Here is the link to the original Bloomberg video:
Go to 4 min, 11 sec. That is the section where the Coyotes team is discussed. Judge for yourselves.
Words do matter.
Here there’s a more elaborated answer to that question:
Thank you Rodia. I appreciate your finding the article. Very interesting.
Hi Joyce,
How did Chavira beat you in the last election? Just curious. Having Chavira of the City Council with respect to budgetary matters seems a lot like trying to put out fires with gasoline. I strongly suspect that if you were still there, so would the Coyotes 5 years hence. Looks like either 4 members of the council are not very bright, or perhaps they were too busy planning for their new swimming pools to have understood the terms of the RSE contract.