It has been 17 years and 147 days since the city’s pledge to build the West Branch Library.
We all know about the billions the NFL (as a non-profit organization) made from the Super Bowl. It is estimated that the city lost somewhere between $1 and $1.6 million dollars. It turns out it was lucrative for some city employees working overtime for these major events. A total of 305 city employees were credentialed for the Super Bowl. They did not have assigned seats but that would not have prevented them from being in attendance. Many of them worked. The guys and girls on the line – 36 firefighters and 92 police officers – worked hard that day. Some credentialed employees in attendance if truth be told didn’t work at all but certainly were in attendance.
Fire Department numbers and figures provided under a Public Record Request reflect combined Pro Bowl and the Super Bowl figures as the department did not track each of these events separately. However the Fire Department had 105 of its employees credentialed for the Super Bowl (Please note: The Public Records Request provided names of all credentialed employees. I chose not to use them):
- Fire Chief -1
- Deputy Chief -1
- Deputy Fire Chief-1
- Executive Assistant Fire Chief-1
- Deputy Chief of Logistics-1
- Assistant Chief of Operations-1
- Assist Chief of Logistics & Personnel-1
- Deputy Chief of EMS-1
- Fire Marshall-1
- Assistant Fire Marshall-1
- Deputy Fire Marshall-3
- Division Chief of Communications-1
- Division Manager-1
- Resource Manager-1
- Inspector-1
- Battalion Chief-2
- Acting Captain EMS-1
- MD-1
- Administrative Support-5
- Administrative Supervisor-1
- Firefighter-36
- Fire Engineer-11
- Fire Captain-29
- Cadet-2
- Recruit-1
Rates of pay differed for the top five earners encompassing all 3 major events (Fiesta Bowl, Pro Bowl and Super Bowl) and each earned (again names were provided and I chose not to use them):
- Fire Captain at 148.75 hours for $11,339.21 (Overtime at $76.23 per hour)
- Fire Captain at 138.50 hours for $10,939.73(Overtime at $78.98 per hour)
- Fire Captain at 98 hours for $7,235.34 (Overtime at $73.83 per hour)
- Fire Engineer at 152 hours for $7,081.68 (Overtime at $46.13 per hour)
- Division Manager at 19 hours for $4,180.00 (Overtime at $220 per hour)
Police Department numbers and figures provided under a Public Record Request do reflect the Super Bowl figures alone. The Police Department had 190 of its employees credentialed for the Super Bowl (Please note: the Public Records Request provided names of all employees. I chose not to use them):
- Police Chief-1
- Assistant Chief-2
- Lieutenant-9
- Commander-6
- Detective-1
- Sergeant-18
- SWAT Sergeant-3
- Sergeant EOD-1
- EOD Officer-4
- Sergeant K9-1
- PIO Lieutenant-1
- PIO Sergeant-1
- PIO Officer-3
- Detention Manager-1
- Detention Officer-2
- OIT Officer-1
- Check In-5
- Dispatcher-3
- Communications-6
- SWAT Officer-24
- Officer-92
- K9 Officer-5
The rate of pay for these Sergeants was $45.22 per hour (Again I chose not to use names):
- Sergeant for 123 hours at $5,561.25
- SWAT Sergeant for 70 hours at $3,165.27
- SWAT Sergeant for 66 hours at $2,984.40
- Sergeant for 60 hours at $2,713.09
- SWAT Sergeant for 55 hours at $2,486.99
Of the total of 305 City of Glendale employees credentialed for the Super Bowl 10 were not Public Safety employees. Some of the more notable non Public Safety credentialed employees were:
- Former City Manager Brenda Fischer
- Former Assistant City Manager Julie Frisoni
- Current Assistant City Manager Jennifer Campbell
- Intergovernmental Director Brent Stoddard
- Former Communications Director Julie Watters
- Development Services Director Sam McAllen
- Program Administrator of Economic Development Jean Moreno
When asked under a Public Records Request to verify those employees who actually used their credentials this was the city response, “The city does not have any records to produce that would be responsive to this request. The credentials provided did require the user to scan in and out upon entering the hard perimeter of the stadium; however, the scanning equipment used did not belong to the city, nor was the city provided with any reports or other information about city employee scans.” How about that? The city doesn’t know but presumably the NFL does.
The city’s designated 22 member Operational Planning Team for the Super Bowl was comprised of the following employees:
- Richard Bradshaw – Police
- Cathy Colbath – Public Works
- Justine Cornelius – Building Safety
- Chris DeChant – Fire
- Trevor Ebersole – Traffic
- Walter Fix – Airport
- Patty Frey – Fire
- Jon Froke – Planning
- Julie Frisoni – Communications/Asst. City Manager
- Anthony Gavalyas – Fire
- Joe Hengemuehler – Communications
- Tamara Hicks – Licensing
- Charles Jenkins – Fire
- Matt Lively – Police
- Sam McAllen – Code Enforcement
- Jean Moreno – Economic Development
- Tabitha Perry – Planning
- Lorraine Pino- Convention Bureau
- Claire Smith – Management Aide
- Kristen Stephenson – Economic Development
- Brent Stoddard – Intergovernmental Relations
- Julie Watters – Communications
Quite a few of the members of this committee are department heads and even directors of departments. In city hierarchy their time was very valuable in terms of pay. Yet the city never tracked their hours of planning nor counted their hours of meeting as an identified cost incurred by the city for the Super Bowl. The same can be said of the 16 member Public Information Officers group comprised of the following:
- Tracy Breeden – Police
- Jackie Cole – Police
- Ronald Hart – Fire
- Joe Hengemuehler – Communications
- Tamra Ingersoll – Communications
- Sam McAllen – Code Enforcement
- Jean Moreno – Economic Development
- Jay O’Neil – Police
- Robin Phillips – Communications
- Laurie Sapp – Media Center
- Daniel Senese – Fire
- Rochelle Thomas – Police
- Daniel Valenzuela – Fire
- David Vidaure – Police
- Julie Watters – Communications
- Michael Young – Fire
Jean Moreno, Sam McAllen, Joe Hengemuehler and Julie Watters worked within both groups. These 2 groups were made up of 34 employees some of whom are high salaried employees. What remains troubling is that no accounting of their time and talent is tracked by the city yet they are expenses that the city incurred to host the Super Bowl.
Whatever figure the city claims as its cost to host the Super Bowl is bogus as long as all costs are not tracked. Employee time and wages are one component of the cost. What about equipment used? Police and fire vehicles, sanitation trucks, transportation equipment, etc. the city used? What about O&M costs for these vehicles? What about other equipment or personnel I wasn’t wise enough to ask for in attributing costs? Although my Public Record Requests were as specific and detailed as I could make them there were sure to be items I never thought of including. As we all know if you don’t specifically ask, you won’t get it. The city is not going to volunteer to give up information.
There you have it. Based on the information provided by the city I did my best to calculate expenses and revenues for hosting the Super Bowl. After all is said and done, Interim Assistant City Manager Tom Duensing’s figure of $2.2 million is incorrect. Add another million to two million dollars and you would be in the ball park. Perhaps the city will take note and if there should ever be another Super Bowl in Glendale city administrators will make every effort to track ALL costs not just the most visible – Public Safety. The city loses money owning the spring training ball park and the arena. Should it consciously continue to lose money hosting the Super Bowl and other major events? Perhaps it’s time to revisit any and all contracts associated with these major events as a means of city loss prevention. We love hosting them but the taxpayers of Glendale should not have to pay for them. It is incumbent upon the city to insure that all event promoters pay their fair share to alleviate the burden of loss the city continues to experience.
By the way, the city in its city council meeting of May 26, 2015 refunded $3 million dollars to AZSTA (Arizona Sports and Tourism Authority) in sales tax. That sales tax would have gone a long way to covering the loss sustained by the city. What’s wrong with this picture?
© Joyce Clark, 2015
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Off the subject, the good people at AZSTA last year “gave” Chaparral HS in Scottsdale a $125,000 “Donation” to help fund their weight room. Those are the people that need to be investigated. I have a question. If there is another Super Bowl bid, whats to keep Glendale from saying unless our expenses are covered, we choose to not provide them?
That seems more than reasonable.
James, If Council has the will and backbone that is exactly what they have the authority to do.
Looks like the entire command staff of the fire dept was there. Glendale firefighters are among the best in the nation, and don’t need that level of supervision to do their jobs.
Looks like the commanders showed up to get their “gravy” which I find distasteful to say the least. I’m tired of footing the bill for such activities which waste our tax dollars.
It appears these practices are part of the fire “culture”, as I saw this same thing in Phoenix during my 30 years with the city of Phoenix.
In talking to other citizens, I found they have caught on to what the firefighters are doing, and are none too happy about it. Public support for fire is beginning to diminish.
As a tax payer, I keep asking how did this happened? Glendale has a population of approximately 234k, including children. Definitely not enough of a tax base to be burdened with these sports teams and arenas. There is some hope, Vice Mayor Ian Hugh is questioning the Coyotes contract. Good luck to him!
Ian Hugh’s questioning of the Coyotess agreement is WAY to late. Unless he wants to breach the agreement and end up in court. The City at least gets some form of payment, here the city gets nothing from the Super Bowl, etc. which do you think they will vote in favor of next opportunity? The money listing Super Bowl.
Besides, his term of vice-Mayor is coming to a close. On to the next lame duck Vice-Mayor (Sherwood) if he is still in office and doesn’t miraculously get recalled.
We;;, Mr Hugh is either one of the dumbest on the council or playing Politics. The deal, and the one before this one CLEARLY stated the Coyotes had the right to assign the Glendale payment to it creditors. The is no question about that. The comment Hugh made about that was pure ignorance on his part. If he is to ignorant to even read the document he had no issue making a 100% mis comment to the CDN media and later local media, why is he in office? If he read the document and still made the comment he did, he intentionally LIED to all. Either way, he is a clown