Disclaimer: The comments in this blog are my personal opinion and may or may not reflect an adopted position of the city of Glendale and its city council.

Glendale, with a current population of 253,000, is a conservative community, fiscally, culturally, and socially. Our residents want to raise their children in a safe environment. They expect to continue to receive the excellent service provided by its Public Safety Departments. They want the city to protect their property values. They recognize the value of services they receive such as water and sanitation. To this day, it is one of the very few Valley communities that provides once a month bulk trash pickup. They expect good roads and amenity-filled parks for their families to enjoy. Its City Council shares these values and works every day to make policy decisions that meet these expectations.

Jose “Lupe” Conchas is running as a candidate for the Cactus District City Council seat. He is not the right fit for the city council. Past performance is an indicator of future performance.

In July of 2019, the Party for Socialism and Labor (PSL) held a march in Phoenix to protest the treatment of illegal aliens by ICE. Lupe Conchas was one of 16 protesters arrested at that march. Here’s what the PSL stands for based upon information easily obtained from their website:

“The Party for Socialism and Liberation believes that the only solution to the deepening crisis of capitalism is the socialist transformation of society.”

“The Party for Socialism and Liberation exists to carry out the struggle for socialism inside the United States, the center of world capitalism and imperialism.”

“…revolution is a necessity and a right.”

Make no mistake. The PSL is a Socialist/Marxist organization and Lupe Conchas was an active participant in their organized march.

Here are just a few photos of the march taken by the Arizona Republic in a July 2019, story about the march. In this photo you can clearly see the PSL sign.

In this photo Lupe Conchas was front and center.






This is the only flag used by the group during the march. Not a single American flag in sight.

In the July 2019 Arizona Republic article, Conchas said, “…that he hopes to raise awareness that his arrest was nothing compared to the conditions at the U.S. southern border. Even though I might have slept very uncomfortably last night, it’s nothing compared to what children and families who are seeking legal asylum are facing at the border.”

Conchas has demonstrated through his actions that he is a Socialist/Marxist democrat, a member of the most radical faction of the Democrat party. His actions appear to demonstrate that he will be divisive within the community. His support for an open border policy will continue to allow the smuggling of drugs such as fentanyl resulting in countless deaths as well as more crime and violence. He shares a “defund the police” mentality.

His social media posts claim he is a “fresh” voice but his opponent, Vice Mayor Ian Hugh has a wealth of experience and knowledge and has successfully demonstrated his leadership within his district as well as city-wide. “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.”  It’s not a matter of age but rather a matter of mental acuity and the Vice Mayor is as mentally sharp as ever. Experience does matter.

Conchas also wants to start or expand the Head Start program in our district schools. This statement alone shows how much he doesn’t know about city government. The City Council has no authority over the policies, practices, and procedures of any school district within the community.

Lastly, he wants a program to improve our streets. Again, he appears unaware of the fact that the council instituted a Pavement Management Program that is resulting in the resurfacing or reconstructing of every street in Glendale over a multiple year program and it has invested millions of dollars in the program.

I ask that you reject Lupe Conchas and all that he represents. Please vote for Vice Mayor Ian Hugh as your Cactus councilmember.

© Joyce Clark, 2024    


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