Disclaimer: The comments in the blog are my personal opinion and may or may not reflect an adopted position of the city of Glendale and its city council.
Glendale is the 6th largest city in the state. Here is the ranking of the ten largest cities in the state:
- Phoenix
- Tucson
- Mesa
- Chandler
- Gilbert
- Glendale
- Scottsdale
- Tempe
- Peoria
Glendale has the lowest average median income of the 10 largest cities.
Glendale has the second highest poverty rate of those 10 cities.
Another media story shows that of the 25 wealthiest zip codes in Maricopa County Glendale has but one…85310…ranked 24th out of 25.
Glendale is a very diverse community:
- Caucasian 50%
- Hispanic or Latino 37%
- Afro-American 6%
- Asian 4%
Today we are going to examine why these facts drive development (or the lack of it) and also what needs to occur in order to improve or “upgrade” Glendale development to enhance our citizen’s quality of life and also make Glendale more competitive obtaining quality commercial/residential projects.
What can Glendale do to turn these numbers around? How does Glendale raise the average median income, lower its poverty rate and have more of its zip codes labeled as “the wealthiest”? It must embrace a new strategy toward future development and a new strategy to remediate some of its struggling neighborhoods.
So let us add some new facts and start to look for effective and reasonable solutions to Upgrade Glendale.
A square mile between Camelback Road to Bethany Home Road; 59th Avenue to 67th Avenue; in zip code 85301 is ringed by 10…yes, 10…low income multi-family apartment complexes? Were you aware that the density of package liquor stores and bars is the highest in zip code 85301? In an effort to upgrade south Glendale shouldn’t Council and the Planning Department be asking, when any developer or business seeks to locate in this area, does this project upgrade the area? Does it serve a family-oriented need? Does this project make the quality of life better for these neighborhoods or are we simply allowing more of the same because it’s easier not to fight the fight for quality commercial and residential development? If developers say they will walk away from a project because that is all that a certain area merits, perhaps the new Glendale paradigm is to let them. If we develop new standards of quality development and advise the development community that is what we expect and will allow, then that is what we will get.
The majority of Glendale’s residential base is comprised of starter homes and middle class homes. The home median value in Glendale is $183,300. Many new residential developments have a price point between $220,000 and $250,000. To some that may seem to be expensive but it is not in today’s market.
Where does one find big, beautiful, expensive homes on large lots? Why, zip code 85310. You can count on no more than two hands enclaves of large lot, expensive homes throughout Glendale. It is time to stop allowing the development community build to the lowest common denominator of an area and demand that they build adhering to a philosophy of upgrading, not downgrading or adding more of the same in an area.
Glendale must stop allowing developers of infill projects greater and greater residential densities. I once learned that Glendale loses approximately $200 a year per home when providing basic services such as public safety, libraries, parks, streets, water, sewer and garbage collection. What that means is that Glendale spends more in services per home than that home earns in revenue for the city in terms of property taxes, sales taxes, etc. So, how is this imbalance made up? By commercial development with the property taxes and the sales taxes they pay to the city. I’m sure the figure has changed and I don’t know the current number however I plan on asking staff for a new current assessment.
Upscale businesses offering high paying jobs go a long way to offsetting the loss of revenue from the city’s cost of providing its basic services to homes. So how can we get the Intel’s of the world to locate in Glendale?
The quality of its workforce is the life’s blood of any major corporation. These corporations desire to locate where they can attract a highly educated, skilled employee base.
That’s where Glendale’s schools play a major role and unfortunately it is an area over which Glendale has no control. Many, not all, of Glendale’s schools have underperforming high school graduation rates with much of their student populations not moving on to college or technical training. Glendale’s primary and secondary educational system is failing to prepare students to become college or technically bound. They are failing to help the city to attract the quality work force needed to attract the Intel’s. The kinds of corporations we must seek to attract have employees who want to be assured that their children will have access to outstanding educational opportunities. These employees also seek quality, upscale housing with great quality of life amenities. They also require nearby access not just to fast food establishments but to upscale dining, shopping, leisure and entertainment opportunities. While a smattering of those kinds of quality of life issues are met in a few Glendale enclaves there is not enough of a mass to attract the kinds of employment providers the city seeks.
I contend a rising tide lifts all boats.
Isn’t it time to upgrade every Glendale resident’s quality of life? Isn’t it time to provide our residents with an abundance of good paying job opportunities? Shouldn’t it be in safe neighborhoods? Shouldn’t it be with Class A dining, shopping, leisure and entertainment opportunities throughout all of Glendale? We can do that by insisting and conveying to developers of commercial and residential properties that whether it is an infill parcel or raw land, our expectations for development are stringent. That Glendale now demands a new forward looking vision.
In a coming blog we will examine how Glendale government can move past prior history, Glendale school districts may help both their students now and after graduation and residents can actively engage in this new vision.
© Joyce Clark, 2017
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This is a very interesting topic and one that I know from watching you over the years you can speak very eloquently to, so I do not anticipate being able to add much to your facts, figures and analysis.
I would like to share a few other observations on the internal structural of the city for you to consider. Maybe in this four-year term you might even be able to set this right. Your management team is in no way reflective of your community, take a look. They used to be a time when the city required certain leadership position be filled by people living within the city. I am not saying that we should go back to that, but if a few of our leaders were living in the square mile you described maybe they might have a different view of projects they are considering for approval. I still to this day cannot understand the reason for the large number of liquor licenses you are asked to approve every two weeks.
Just by contrast when” Payday Loans” and “Group Homes” began to move into the Arrowhead area we found a way to address and limit them. We lead the way in the state by changing our zoning code and later strongly support a changes to the state law as it relates to these two industries.
Another thing that happened about four year ago that we will pay for in about ten years is the de-empathizing of the planning department. A city our size cannot afford to operate effective and build for the future with a “Planning Division”. A well planned community does not happen by chance. Economic development is not possible without proper planning, look at the economic success in the last five years and you will see the value of the planning that was ten to fifteen years ago. Now look at the square mile your reference and try and find the economic development gems in that area.
To me a strong diverse work force (I know not a good word in Glendale) and a strong independent planning department, free from instant gratification and political pressures are good first steps in the upgrading of Glendale. Small things that you might be able to achieve and a strong legacy you can leave for the next generation.
Yes! This is refreshing to hear. I hope you are not the only one that feels this way. You can tell that there has been mismanagement…just look at 83rd and Paradise. Peoria is attracting these businesses and leaving Glendale in the dust. You can tell just by driving around between Glendale and Peoria which is which…like 67th ave for example. Glendale needs to attract quality. Quantity of these low paying jobs are not working. I remember a news article in the early to mid 2000s where Glendale had a large majority of millionaires. I think Glendale spent too much time worrying about the sports teams than anything else. Sports teams are typically located in not so great areas…they can be revived. Glendale can be revived! Let’s do rhis…