Steel is rising for the Tohono O’odham (TO) self-billed “temporary casino.” This casino’s history and future are rife with technicalities. The TO secretly purchased a piece of land, a county island within Glendale, that technically is not Glendale. The TO claimed it could do so because their interpretation of the State Gaming Compact allowed it…yet another technicality. There are many, many county islands within the Valley and the TO believe they technically have the right to plant more casinos on them. They should be extremely careful. Technicalities can come back to bite one in the butt.
There are a few “technicalities” that the TO have yet to face. They have not received gaming approval from the federal Bureau of Indian Affairs to date. I suppose the TO consider that as just a minor technicality. The Arizona Department of Gaming has not approved a gaming license for the TO’s new casino. It could take quite some time for the department to clear the Tohono O’odham for that precious state gaming license. Technically, all tees have to be crossed and all eyes dotted and the state will not grant a license until every stipulation is satisfied. This action is not a mere technicality. In the meantime there is still federal legislation introduced by Senators McCain and Flake. This is another action that cannot be considered a mere technicality. The bill will come to a vote and the expectation is that it will be approved.
This temporary casino could become a ghostly, unused testament to The Tohono O’odham’s overreaching use of technicalities. Don’t be surprised if this casino never opens…due to a technicality.
© Joyce Clark, 2015
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Joyce, I gather you are still opposed to the casino/resort being built here on the west side.
In view of the fact that I read so many folks here in Glendale – and the surrounding cities – are in favor of this casino, why does the opposition continue?
And why are McCain, Flake and Franks part of “the fight”?
This battle has gone on way too long!
The opposition continues because: 1. Of the creation of a soverign nation subject to no local, state or federal law; 2. It destroys the state gaming compact and opens the door for not just a proflieration of Indian casinos throughout the Valley but non-Indian casinos; 3. The issue is not settled. A case before the 9th circuit court has not been adjudicated yet. The TO do not have all necessary permissions to open and operate their temporaty casino; and 4. You have drunk the kool aid and believe the majority of people in Glendale support the casino — that is not true.
“…4. You have drunk the kool aid and believe the majority of people in Glendale support the casino — that is not true.”
Joyce, I do not know if the number of people who are in favor of a casino is “the majority”, but I do read that “many” are in favor of it.
Just out of curiosity, has a poll ever been taken to see what the actual numbers/percentage is for people Pro and Con?
I, for one, have never actually been asked my opinion for any kind of “official numbers report”.
Lastly, if the TO Nation is in violation of the local, state and federal laws, then why are the courts finding in their favor every time?
I don’t want to get into a heated discussion on the subject at this time, but I am really curious as to why this matter has been ongoing for years now at the cost of millions of $$$ to the citizens/taxpayers of Glendale.
I have never spoken to any Glendale resident who is in favor of the casino- there are people in neighboring cities who favor it perhaps because their city services won’t be burdened by it.
Could you please tell us where you found the cost to Glendale taxpayers? I too would like to review that information so I can have an informed conversation with my elected officials.
Thank you.
Oops-sorry. My question & comment were directed at Dinaslo, not you Joyce.
Mark, you wrote:
“I have never spoken to any Glendale resident who is in favor of the casino- there are people in neighboring cities who favor it perhaps because their city services won’t be burdened by it.
Could you please tell us where you found the cost to Glendale taxpayers? I too would like to review that information so I can have an informed conversation with my elected officials.
Thank you.”
I suppose it depends on who you talk to whether they are in favor of or oppose the casino. I know several residents of Glendale who want a casino here on the westside.
The poll I mentioned in my other blog would only be asked of certified residents of the City of Glendale (CoG).
In reality, tho’, the poll is only as good as who is taking it – and the location where it’s being asked.
So, I guess it’s pretty pointless to even try.
As to where I “found the cost to Glendale taxpayers” [for the legal fees paid to prevent the TO Nation from building their casino/resort], I cannot cite specifics. However, over the past several years there have been numerous articles related to the $3 million dollars spent on attorney’s fees by the CoG. I can be fairly certain that these fees are not being paid out of the pockets of private Glendale citizens, Glendale business owners, or the Glendale City Council Members who oppose the casino.
Therefore, one can only presume that the money is coming from me, you, and all the other taxpaying citizens of Glendale.
(Unless – and I am not “pointing fingers” here – the other Tribes who own the casinos on the eastside/southside are ponying up to pay those fees.)
I’ve a question for you, Mark:
Where do you think the money came from to pay that $3 million in legal fees?
Perhaps, Joyce can better answer that question. If I am wrong in my assumption, I will gladly admit my mistake.
One last thing. Here is an article dated January 15, 2015 regarding the McCain-Flake Bill:
Since the city has “accepted” the casino, any further action will not involve city money, that is unless they now sue in support of the casino.
A public poll, while it would be interesting, wouldn’t prove anything. You would have to insure that those being polled are actually Glendale citizens. Many of the comments I am reading, who are in favor, are not Glendale citizens, so of course they are in favor. This casino will not be a burden on their city services, and steal from their tax dollars.
I am hoping the Flake-McCain bill does pass, and isn’t Vetoed by Obama (although he hasn’t used his veto stamp much). can’t imagine the tribe building a “resort” without the casino. Maybe they can build a big parking lot that would help the Cardinals and the city with their parking issues. That would be the TO and CoG working together.
Joyce- I thought I read the McCain /Flake bill was already defeated in congress. Am I mistaken?
The McCain-Flake bill has never been voted up or down.
Whew! Glad I was wrong. 🙂
I’m 50 yrs res[dent of Glendale and I’m totally anti T. O.
Who will pay for infra structure, how about water treatment plant, and lastly To close to church, schools and homes.
Lady you have to much time on your hands. Get over it. The Bill that they are trying to pass has been shot down TWICE. The Tohono o’odham have played by the Rules. and if your so Brainwashed to think that Las Vegas style gaming is coming your ridiculous. The T.O have played by the rules they Received Replacement land and Overcame over 12 straight court rulings (IN THEIR FAVOR). Not all tribes have been put through the same circumstances that the TO tribe has been through, Which they are not Entitled to receive such land and take it into trust. Pack your bags and move out of Glendale if you are so opposed. Ha. -Proud Tohono O’odham Nation Member
White Eyes (otherwise known as a pround Tohono O’odham Nation Member),
I respect your right to voice your opinion but if you wish to comment further on this or any other blog post you will do so with respect. But then again, the TO has exhibited very little respect for the state gaming compact. Whatever the TO has gone through has been of their making.